April's Hypnosis https://aprilshypnosis.com Offering Effective Tools for Personal Change in the Privacy of Your Home Wed, 18 May 2022 20:57:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://aprilshypnosis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/flower-new-500x500-white-150x150.bmp April's Hypnosis https://aprilshypnosis.com 32 32 Theta https://aprilshypnosis.com/theta/ Wed, 18 May 2022 20:47:40 +0000 https://aprilshypnosis.com/?p=594 Theta Greek letterIn Theta, your brainwaves have slowed quite a bit…4 Hertz to 7.5 Hertz, or cycles per second.Theta chart

Theta is a state of deep relaxation. With practice, you can achieve this state when meditating. When you go into a deep meditation, you are in Theta.

This is the level that most hypnotists want to take you. The mind’s most deep-seated programs are at the Theta level, so it is important to achieve this level when changing those programs. In Theta, suggestions, ideas, visualization are more likely to enter the subconscious mind.

The Theta state of mind is that state where you are moving into sleep. The conscious mind is mostly shut off the subconscious mind can flourish. This is the level which helps you to produce creative ideas and solutions.

The Theta level is where your mind goes as you are going to sleep and when you are waking up. You are very suggestible at those times….so it is important to only have positive influences around at those times. In other words, it is NOT a good time to watch the news.

It IS a great time to visualize, or imagine, what you want to create at those times. So, when you are going to sleep, if you are going to think of anything, think of what you want. And, when you are waking up, think about what a wonderful day you are going to have. You will be sending out to the Universe what you want to attract.

Environmental Hypnosis https://aprilshypnosis.com/environmental-hypnosis/ Fri, 21 May 2021 18:16:38 +0000 https://aprilshypnosis.com/?p=282

Environmental Hypnosis

Man walking around in a tranceSome people don’t think they are hypnotized when they really are. This is because we all go into hypnosis from time to time. When you are driving on the freeway and miss your off ramp because your mind is somewhere else, you are in hypnosis. When you are watching a TV show, or movie, and you zone out, you are in hypnosis. Advertisers count on this. They know when you are in a state of hypnosis that your critical area of mind is not at work and you become susceptible to their ads. Have you ever craved a food item after seeing it on screen? That is what I am talking about.
On a previous page I stated that you have to voluntarily and actively participate in the process of hypnosis, so how can environment hypnosis happen? It is because we are not actively staying in conscious area of mind with the critical area of mind purposely working. Yes, watching shows (or being on the internet, etc.) can be a nice diversion….or escape from life or stress. I know that I used to watch live car chases on TV to escape….face it, they are a pretty mindless activity to watch. But the key is to wake yourself up afterwards.
If you are losing things, feel fuzzy headed, or look into a mirror and see your eyes are dilated, then say to yourself “One, two, three, four, five, eyes open wide awake.” Do this over and over until you feel more alert. Working with a hypnotist can be very helpful with environmental hypnosis.  With some people, in some circumstances, it takes going into a deeper state of hypnosis and then being counted out to bring them back to full awareness. Isn’t it worth that to be fully engaged in your life?
Beta State of Mind https://aprilshypnosis.com/beta-state-of-mind/ Fri, 21 May 2021 18:15:00 +0000 https://aprilshypnosis.com/?p=280

Beta Symbol

Beta State of Mind

When you are awake and alert, you are in the Beta State of Mind. At this level, your mind is conscious and you are aware of what is going on around you. The Beta Brainwaves are at about 12 to 30 Hertz, or cycles, per second. When your mind is operating at this level your conscious mind is taking in information through you sense organs and using that information to solve problems and make rational decisions. This is the level of mind where critical thoughts occur.
Being aware of not being in Beta in important when you do need to be conscious. If you find that you are forgetting things, or misplacing things, then you should count yourself up to full awareness….like at the end of a hypnosis session. Simply say to yourself (out loud is best, if possible) and say:“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, eyes open wide awake, eyes open wide awake.” You should do this several times, until you do feel alert and awake. If you are watching TV, or a movie, you can easily slip into an Alpha state and be suggestible to advertising and sales (advertisers count on this). You might have trouble driving, walking, remembering things, or making decisions because you are not alert. This is the perfect time to count yourself up by saying:“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, eyes open wide awake, eyes open wide awake.” If counting doesn’t work, then you can ground yourself….it really is a good idea to be grounded all of the time. You can imagine tree roots coming out of the bottom of your feet and going deep into the ground making you feel sturdy and grounded. Some people like to imagine a rod of some sort coming down from the bottom of their torso, or their feet, and going deep into the Earth and hooking onto something. Sometimes, it is enough to really feel the bottom of your feet touching the ground. Where you put your attention, your energy goes….so really focus on your feet and the feeling of touching the earth. And, of course, a good stretch always helps.
Alpha https://aprilshypnosis.com/alpha/ Fri, 21 May 2021 18:13:39 +0000 https://aprilshypnosis.com/?p=278

Alpha SymbolAlpha

The Alpha state of mind is an amazing state of mind that we are all used to. It is that state of mind we go to when we are daydreaming, involved in a good book,Alpha chart or movie. It is when you are relaxed, not drowsy. and your mind is still alert.
When your mind is in the Alpha state you a more able to focus than when your mind is in the Beta state because in the Beta your mind will probably be dealing with many thoughts and sensory inputs at the same time. When you are Alpha, your brainwaves are at about 7.5 – 12 Hertz, or cycles per second.
At this level you mind is able to learn new things, more easily because it is easier to focus. This is why it is a perfect state of mind for visualizing. It is great for self-hypnosis because you can direct your thoughts to visualize the outcome that you desire. Let’s say that you want to change a habit…..you get into a relaxed state and visualize, or imagine, going through your day without the undesired habit, and doing what you want to do. Since, your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy, it can more easily accept your visualization as real and help you to change the habit more easily.