Beta Symbol

Beta State of Mind

When you are awake and alert, you are in the Beta State of Mind. At this level, your mind is conscious and you are aware of what is going on around you. The Beta Brainwaves are at about 12 to 30 Hertz, or cycles, per second. When your mind is operating at this level your conscious mind is taking in information through you sense organs and using that information to solve problems and make rational decisions. This is the level of mind where critical thoughts occur.
Being aware of not being in Beta in important when you do need to be conscious. If you find that you are forgetting things, or misplacing things, then you should count yourself up to full awareness….like at the end of a hypnosis session. Simply say to yourself (out loud is best, if possible) and say:“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, eyes open wide awake, eyes open wide awake.” You should do this several times, until you do feel alert and awake. If you are watching TV, or a movie, you can easily slip into an Alpha state and be suggestible to advertising and sales (advertisers count on this). You might have trouble driving, walking, remembering things, or making decisions because you are not alert. This is the perfect time to count yourself up by saying:“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, eyes open wide awake, eyes open wide awake.” If counting doesn’t work, then you can ground yourself….it really is a good idea to be grounded all of the time. You can imagine tree roots coming out of the bottom of your feet and going deep into the ground making you feel sturdy and grounded. Some people like to imagine a rod of some sort coming down from the bottom of their torso, or their feet, and going deep into the Earth and hooking onto something. Sometimes, it is enough to really feel the bottom of your feet touching the ground. Where you put your attention, your energy goes….so really focus on your feet and the feeling of touching the earth. And, of course, a good stretch always helps.
Beta State of Mind
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